![[Image: cfcover.png]](https://media.forgecdn.net/attachments/481/711/cfcover.png)
BSL Shaders is a shaderpack for Minecraft: Java Edition with high customization and optimization. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available, such as depth of field, motion blur, specular and normal mapping, celshading, world curvature, and more.
You're allowed to...
- Use this shaderpack for taking screenshots and videos.
- Modify the shaderpack for personal use.
- Publish your heavily modified version of the pack.*
- Redistribute the shaderpack for modpack / server with my permission.*
- Redistribute the shaderpack without my permission.
- Claim (and rename) my shaderpack (or its code) as your own.
- Use monetized URL shorteners to my site or files.
Download and install Optifine or Iris
Download the shaderpack
Put the shaderpack inside .minecraft\shaderpacks
Launch Minecraft
Open Options, Video Settings, Shaders
Choose BSL Shaders