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Posted by: Yunus
Here is a map of a parkour where unique potions create unforgettable experiences!
Walk the paths, overcome difficult obstacles and experience the magic of potion effects.
There is a power of sensations waiting for you, from color explosions and smoke, to thunder and waterfalls.
Transform your imagination into reality and enjoy unforgettable moments on the parkour with potion effects.
Be ready for unforgettable experiences and happy memories!

[Image: 2022-07-14_12.png]
[Image: 2022-07-14_12.png]
[Image: 2022-07-14_12.png]

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
Map version: 1.12
Just an island with volcanoes and 10 small buildings.
This is a map with modpacks. It is recommended to install the following mod, links here (Survival on Zombie Island)
Map introduction:

[Image: wfJXEc.png]

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: P1BVp0Y.png]

📖 About:
You may know MrCrayfish from his popular Minecraft mod like his furniture mod, gun mod, and vehicle mod. If you watch his videos, you would know that he plays on this town in Minecraft. This was a passion project which included tons of analyzing from multiple videos. Everything is as replicated as I can possibly can.
This is a purely vanilla version of the world, so none of the mods are included. This is meant for low-tier PC users who want to experience this world as well.  
✅ Features:
  • All buildings from the world are replicated to the best of my ability (roads, buildings; even small modifications)

  • Redstone and Command Block contraptions work (including the Blockifier)

  • All built on the exact seed.
[b]📺 [/b]Watch: LİNK
Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
So I updated the old map with only a few tweaks:
  • Nether wart is available

  • The End is available

  • 10 new Challenges!

  • Multiple mini-islands containing extra items

  • Zombies have a chance of dropping gravel

  • Blazes have a chance of dropping nether quartz

  • Husks have a chance of dropping sand

  • Wither Skeletons have a chance of dropping soulsand

  • There is a worldborder from -1000 to 1000 in the Overworld and in the Nether

  • There are custom advancements 1.12+ only

  • When everyone is in the End, the worldborder gets reset 1.12+ only [NEW!]

  • When someone leaves the End, the worldborder is back, so be careful! 1.12+ only [NEW!]
Updating to 3.07 (worldborder fix) without resetting your save:
  1. Download this zip file

  2. Merge your save folder with the folder inside the zip

  3. Enter your world and execute these commands:

    1. /scoreboard objectives add end dummy
    2. /gamerule commandBlockOutput false
    3. /gamerule gameLoopFunction skyblock:loop
I do NOT own the Skyblock idea! I only made this map to add new possibilities to the original map.
If anyone has some new challenges I could put in this map, just tell me below!

[Image: e28f3a99c6367321a8daa5180d32c165.png]

Rules and Challenges:

If you wish you may skip the old challenges you completed in 1.0/1.1/2.0/2.1

Do not purposely jump off the island to regenerate your health.
Play on at least easy difficulty.

Old Challenges:
1) Build a Cobble Stone generator.
2) Build a house.
3) Expand the island.
4) Make a melon farm.
5) Make a pumpkin farm.
6) Make a reed/sugarcane farm.
7) Make a wheat farm.
8) Make a giant red mushroom.
9) Craft a bed.
10) Make 64 stone brick's.
11) Make 20 torches.
12) Make an infinite water source.
13) Craft a furnace.
14) Make a small lake.
15) Build a platform 24 blocks away from the island, for mobs to spawn.
16) Make 10 cactus green dye.
17) Make 10 mushroom stew.
18) Craft 10 Jack 'o' lanterns.
19) Craft 10 bookcases.
20) Make 10 bread.
21) Collect 10 Ender-pearls.
22) Cook 10 fish.
23) Craft 10 Black Wool.
24) Craft 10 Gray Wool.
25) Craft 10 Light Gray Wool.
26) Craft 10 Lime Green Wool.
27) Craft 10 Red Wool.
28) Craft 10 Yellow Wool.
29) Craft 10 Pink Wool.
30) Craft 10 Green Wool.
31) Craft 10 Orange Wool.
32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.
33) Craft 20 Paintings.
34) Build and light a nether portal.
35) Craft 5 Gold Ingots.
36) Craft 16 Glass Panes.
37) Collect 50 birch logs.
38) Collect 64 arrows and craft a bow.
39) Craft 10 stone buttons.
40) Craft 30 stone slabs.
41) Craft 10 signs.
42) Craft 20 ladders.
43) Craft 20 fences.
44) Craft 20 fence gates.
45) Craft 10 levers.
46) Craft 10 trapdoors.
47) Craft 10 stone pressure plates.
48) Craft 10 wooden pressure plates.
49) Collect 64 bonemeal.
50) Craft 20 cobblestone stairs.

New Challenges:
51) Collect 64 iron.
52) Make a gold farm in the nether.
53) Cure a zombie villager.
54) Spawn an iron golem.
55) Use redstone in three contraptions.
56) Find a slime chunk and create a slime farm.
57) Make a lava aquaduct system.
58) Go to the end and defeat the enderdragon.
59) Find an elytra.
60) Spawn and defeat the wither.


WarrioCrisps' Challenges:
61) Create a four stage beacon
62) collect 64 purple glass
63) Build a villager breeding system
64) collect full diamond armour
65) Create a cow farm
66) create 10 sticky pistons
67) respawn and kill the enderdragon
68) Build a platform from the main end island to an end island far away
69) collect a stack of Emeralds
70) Collect 10 enderdragon heads
71) craft 1 tnt
72) Collect 6 different music discs
73) Get the mending enchantment
74) fish 64 Cod
75) Create 64 Slime blocks
76) dye a full set of leather armour
77) Collect 64 Chorus Flowers
78) build a platform at the top of the world
79) make a hopper
80) make 64 dispencers
81) create a pixel art of your minecraft skin
82) name something Dinnerbone
83) Get an emerald from a Librarian Villager
84) Create a suicide booth using pistons
85) Build a platform 1000 blocks away from spawn
86) Build a 1x1 wide platform around the nether's borderwall
87) kill a total of 1000 zombies
88) kill a total of 10 witches
89) walk a total 200 Kilometres (124.27 miles)
90) collect 256 obsidian
91) Create a banner flag
92) Collect 64 Beetroot
93) collect 64 vines
94) Make 10 clocks and hang them on walls
95) Escape the nether border (Note: may be impossible)
96) Killed 100 shulkers
97) Get a sword with sharpness 5, Looting 3, Unbreaking 3, Fire aspect 2, knockback 2, mending
98) make 9 more buckets
99) Make a creeper your pet
100) Spawn and defeat 2 withers at the same time

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus


This map has been updated to[b] 1.8.8[/b]. Running this map in ANY other version of Minecraft is not recommended.

Don't type commands. Diversity 2 is a very complex map that works only if the map is unaltered from the command blocks placed. Do not change your gamemode, unless absolutely necessary.


- Minecraft 1.8.8 

- Minimum 9 chunks Render Distance

- Vanilla Server (Multiplayer)

- Adjust (see below)


- Default Texture/Resource Pack

- Brightness: Full/Bright

- Clouds: Off

- 1-3 players

- 64-bit Java

- Render Distance: 10-16 Chunks

- 4GB RAM or higher allocated to Minecraft


For Multiplayer, you MUST have command blocks enabled.

In your file, make sure you have this:


We recommend you keep the game to 2 players, but 3 could work. This map is NOT compatible with Bukkit. Our apologies.


Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
Greek city

Through its uneven charm and its seaside side, this city will take your mind off your troubles for as long as you need, breathe deeply and enjoy the Minecraft life. You will find some well kept secrets, sometimes close and so far away at the same time. It's up to you to discover them all.

Some Screenshot

[Image: 2022-01-04_23.png]

[Image: 2022-01-04_23.png]

[Image: 2022-01-04_23.png]

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: raftblock5_orig.png]

[Image: infos_orig.png]

From Creators of Oneblock:

Raftblock is the survival map created by Crimson Creations
You can build your own raft, do advancements, farms, explore ocean, catching items or fishing and more!
You starting on the small raft platform 3x3 blocks  and fishing rod for catching items from the ocean. 
Barrels have inside special random loot. 

[Image: infos2_orig.png]

[Image: bez-jm-na-11_orig.png]

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: YyCrM1l.png]

• +50 Jars 
• 51 Hidden Sponges 
• Custom Nether and The End 
• Custom Bosses 
• Custom Trading 
• and more! 

Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: UShader-Banner-23-01.jpg]
What is the UShader?

This shaderpack is a recreation of a modified version of SEUS v10.1 I used privately for a long time. Took me a while to match some of the unique looks the SEUS version had but I eventually figured it out. Please note that this pack does [b]not[/b] perform better than SEUS v10.1 with the default settings due to many new effects that didn't exist in that version, like volumetric clouds and fog. With the correct settings however it is able to outperform it by a lot while producing much better visuals. It is also important to note that this pack does not use any code from SEUS v10.1.

Where can I download it?

Either here or via my website (link below).

What features does it offer?
  • atmospheric sky

  • volumetric fog

  • volumetric clouds

  • dynamic shadows

  • soft shadows

  • screen-space raytraced ambient occlusion (RTAO)

  • water volume

  • dimension support

  • wind effects

  • temporal anti-aliasing and upscaling (TAAU)

  • motionblur

  • bloom
Any Requirements?
  • Optifine for 1.16 or newer

  • alternatively Iris 1.5.0 or newer

  • GTX 1050/RX 560 or similar/better (has to support OpenGL 4.0), something faster is generally recommended though

  • Windows/Linux

  • DUE TO REPEATED ISSUE-REPORTS: Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported!

Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Potato-Banner.jpg]
What is the Potato Shader?

This is a shaderpack that tries to stay as lightweight as possible to, as its name might suggest, even be usable on a literal potato of a PC. However it still tries to enhance the visuals in a reasonable way, despite lacking the fabled dynamic shadows and other effects of expensive nature. It also provides a degree of customizability through various ingame settings to allow you to get the experience you want.

Where can I download it?
Either here or via my website (link below).
What features does it offer?
  • Dynamic Colors

  • Tonemapping

  • Bloom

  • Depth of Field

  • Motionblur

  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing

  • Ambient Occlusion

  • Custom Water

  • Normalmap Support
and many more.
Any Requirements?
  • Optifine for 1.12 or newer

  • A graphics card supporting OpenGL 4.0

  • Windows/Linux

  • Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported on Windows (blame Intel Drivers)!

Forum: Shaders
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