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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Ou1a8gQ.png]
This is a heropack for the Fiskheroes Mod by FiskFille.

 In this heropack you will find characters from Marvel Comics, the MCU, DC Comics, DCEU, and some other random characters from TV shows or comics.

[Image: JMCTheroes_nodes.png]
- Daredevil
- Groot
- Hit Monkey
- Hulk
- Human Torch
- The Infinity Gauntlet
- Invisible Woman
- Mind Stone
- Moon Knight
- Mr. Fantastic
- Nano Gauntlet
- Pork Grind
- Power Stone
- Prowler
- Quicksilver (Xmen)
- Reality Stone
- Red Skull
- Rhino (Comics)
- Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly)
- Soul Stone
- Space Stone

- Spider-Man 2099
- Spider-Ham
- Spider-Man
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
- Spider-Man (OG)
- Spider-Punk
- Star Lord
- Superior Spider-Man
- Thing

- Thor
- Thor (Stormbreaker)
- Time Stone
- Venom
- War Machine Mark 2
- War Machine Mark 3

- Arkham Knight
- Artemis
- Batman (Comics)

- Black Adam
- Blue Beelte
- Darkseid
- Doctor Fate
- Flash
- Flash (DCEU)
- Jay Garrick
- Killer Moth
- Kite Man
- Green Lantern ring
- Yellow Lantern ring
- Red Death
- Reverse Flash
- Shazam
- Superboy
- Supergirl (DCEU)
- Superman (DCEU)

- Tigress
- Wally West


Allen The Alien

Chainsaw Man
Katana Man

How to Install:
  • Download the latest version of the [b]Fisk's Superheroes Mod[/b]

  • Download JMCT's Heropack

  • Open Minecraft and join your world

  • Go to Options > Heropacks > Open Heropack folder

  • Place JMCT's Heropack in the folder (do not unzip the file)

  • Enjoy!

Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: secretheroes_thumbnail.png]
[Image: secretheroes_nodes.png]


This is a heropack for the Fisk's Superheroes Mod, therefore you need to install Fisk's Superheroes Mod first.

How To Install:

  1. Download the LATEST Fisk's Superheroes Mod

  2. Download Secret Heroes Heropack

  3. Open Minecraft and go into your world

  4. Click ESC on your keyboard, click Options > click HeroPacks > click Open heropack folder

  5. Drag Secret Heroes Heropack to the folder (do not unzip the file)

  6. Done!
Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
Excalibur is a resource pack created to enhance the adventure that Minecraft presents. Excalibur brings your kingdoms and villages to life while keeping the charm of the default resolution textures.

- Replaces 99% of all Textures
- Familiar Default Charm
- Random, Alternate Blocks
- 3D Block Improvements
- Custom Font
- Random Mobs (Optifine required)
- And much more!


- You may not redistribute this pack and claim it as your own.
- You may not redistribute this pack without a link to this thread.
- You may not put money-making links such as links with this work under any circumstances.
- You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
- You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
- You may use this pack as a part of any Minecraft-related video including those which are created for commercial purposes or are monetized by advertising.

Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from Matthew (Maffhew) Dillow

[Image: 2019-06-01_00.png]

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Posted by: Yunus

Better than Xray mods!
X-ray pack for all those who need it. Ores and mineral blocks are shamelessly highlighted as shown in the pictures.

Be sure to pick up Optifine for the extra nightvision effect. So that you can see the hidden ores, also turn off smooth lighting.

Monster blocks (silver fish blocks) have a red square on them. The texture is derived from the redstone block so that it will be compatible with most packs (if the target pack has a rather unusual redstone block the square might not be as obvious as in default)

[b]Mod compatibility:[/b]
- applied energistics 2
- astromine
- bno
- decorative
- dishes
- enderitemod
- endreborn
- forestry
- indrev
- mechanized
- mekanism
- pixelmon
- quark
- sandwhichable
- techreborn
- thaumcraft

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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: cfcover.png]


BSL Shaders is a shaderpack for Minecraft: Java Edition with high customization and optimization. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available, such as depth of field, motion blur, specular and normal mapping, celshading, world curvature, and more.

You're allowed to...
  • Use this shaderpack for taking screenshots and videos.

  • Modify the shaderpack for personal use.

  • Publish your heavily modified version of the pack.*

  • Redistribute the shaderpack for modpack / server with my permission.*
You're not allowed to...
  • Redistribute the shaderpack without my permission.

  • Claim (and rename) my shaderpack (or its code) as your own.

  • Use monetized URL shorteners to my site or files.
*My shader and myself (the author) should be credited clearly, add link to my site if possible.

Download and install Optifine or Iris

Download the shaderpack

Put the shaderpack inside .minecraft\shaderpacks

Launch Minecraft

Open Options, Video Settings, Shaders
Choose BSL Shaders

Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus


Complementary Shaders is a shader pack for Minecraft Java Edition with exceptional attention to detail, high standards of quality, and top tier optimisation. It offers a ton of high quality effects, two default visual style choices, custom effects for almost every block in the game, profiles ranging from Potato to Ultra and it's designed to never be obstructive during gameplay. It started as an edit of BSL Shaders in 2018, and it received countless major updates including a complete rewrite to meet the standards of our community. Complementary Shaders is dedicated to be shaped by user feedback over anything else, and it still receives regular updates to this day.

Choose Your Style

Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its unique visual elements. Please note that you can still customize everything after your download either style. You can switch to blocky clouds on the Unbound style, or use realistic water on the Reimagined style. All settings are located in Shader Options.

[Image: styleComparison-notitle.png]


[b]New:[/b] You can just download the Complementary Installer and click Install. It will automatically do all the steps below.
- First you need to install either "Optifine" or the "Iris" mod to be able to load shaderpacks. (Choose Iris if you are unsure)
- Then you need to launch the game, and get to the Shaderpacks/Shaders menu in Video Settings.
- Open the shaderpacks folder by clicking the button in the menu.
- Download Complementary Shaders and put it in the shaderpacks folder. (Please don't unzip the file)
- Get back in the game, and choose Complementary in the shaderpacks menu. (Refresh the menu if it doesn't appear)


Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: a1.png]
 "Horizon City - Advanced World" is an expanded and improved version of "Horizon City 2020". The map has been significantly increased in size, a huge number of new buildings and structures have been added, which are filled with various decor objects. Some old buildings were also reworked and new decor objects were added.

     The map is hardcore for survival, because it contains about 3000 spawners with various monsters. These spawners are hidden in various places, but mostly in walls and floors.
     There is also a version of the map that completely lacks spawners with monsters - (no spawners).
     1. Find all types of records: 14 pieces (for version 1.19 - 15 pieces, for version 1.20 - 16 pieces).
     2. Find or make a beacon.
     3. Find any underground catacombs and get out of the city along them, taking with you all the records and the beacon found.

     The records are in chests and randomly scattered around the map in 3 copies of each type.


Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
World map of Aerynth from Shadowbane imported in to Minecraft. Landmasses only with the exception of a portion of King's Cross. Appropriate biomes for each continent. 


[Image: B8Bc8cD.jpg]
Forum: Worlds
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: BH_AL_HEADER.png]
[Image: BH_AL_ABOUT.png]

All in one is a modded One Block modpack with 12 different phases : 
Flatland. Dirt, grass, leaves, . . .
Farmland. Different blocks from farmer's delight, wheat block, pumpkin, melon, . . .
Undergound. Ores that you can find in the overworld, hostile mobs from the overworld, . . .
Overworld. A mix of previous phases + more from the overworld.
Astral. A phase based on Astral sorcery. 
Magicka. A phase based on Ars nouveau.
MagicBundle. A mix of Astral and Magicka phases.
Abyss. Different blocks from ocean. Prismarine, Elder prismarine (from Quark), . . .
Bumblezone. Different blocks from the bumblezone dimension.
Nether. Ores and mobs that you can find in the nether dimension.
End. Ores and mobs that you can find in the end dimension.
All in One. A mix of all phases !
You can receive blocks that are guaranteed in a phase. Like a chest with your first collector crystal from Astral sorcery for example.

Forum: Modpacks
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: BH_VH_Header.webp]

Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like armor, weapons, totems, currency and bosses.
Players can develop their own talents and abilities while trying to achieve the goal of collecting all the 25 unique artifacts to unlock the final challenge!

Forum: Modpacks
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