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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: iVN9uCE.png]
About Noble
Noble is a Minecraft shaderpack that enhances one's experience with the help of good-looking graphics and light simulations. It aims for realism, but it is possible to adapt it to smaller configs. You can download Noble either here or on the Github page.
  • Optifine / Iris for 1.16 or newer (older versions aren't supported)

  • A Nvidia graphics card (GTX 950 or newer) OR an AMD graphics card (R7 370 or newer)

  • Windows or Linux (MacOS isn't supported)

Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus

Solas is a new Minecraft Java Edition shaderpack which aims to provide stunning visuals at a relatively low performance cost. It was originally intended to serve as Prismarine Shader's successor. Please check the "Images" section to see some screenshots showcasing the shader's visual style and general look.
Unique Technologies
Solas is one of the first shaderpacks to achieve the goal of super fast per-block colored lighting in Minecraft. It is done by blurring the block texture which costs little performance while maintaining good visual appearance.
Many other shaderpacks with 3D volumetric clouds have a problem of them leaking into closed spaces like caves or mountains. Solas fixes that problem by toggling a cloud shadow check in cases when a closed space is detected, thus essentially turning volumetric clouds into volumetric light.
Another problem a lot of shaderpacks have is shadow light leaking and peter panning which is minimized in Solas.

Key Features
- 3D volumetric clouds, volumetric light, volumetric Nether & End fog.
- Water, atmospheric and border fog.
- Water light absorption and refraction.
- Fast multicolored block lighting.
- Fancy sky effects: aurora borealis, Milky Way, Ender Nebula, Ender Vortex and more.
- Cinematic post effects: bloom, chromatic aberration, depth of field, distant blur, TAA, FXAA.
- Integrated PBR resourcepack featuring specular mapping, generated normals and emission.
- Advanced lighting model: better vanilla ambient occlusion, variable penumbra shadows, specular highlight.
- Many customizable options with their proper translations to English, Russian, Chinese, French and Spanish languages.


Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Nostalgia-Banner.jpg]
What is the Nostalgia Shader?

It is a shaderpack meant to loosely replicate the look and feel of "first-gen" shaderpacks (Seus v08, Chocapic v3 etc.) while also adding new features and visual effects like volumetric fog.

What are the features/effects that this shaderpack has?
  •  custom skybox and lighting colors

  •  dynamic shadows

  •  volumetric fog

  •  wind effects on foliage

  •  shader based vanilla styled clouds (including an option for story mode styled clouds)

  •  second layer of volumetric clouds (partially inspired by super duper pack, but better)

  •  nether and end support

  •  TAA and auto exposure
Where can I download it?
Either here or via my website (link below).
Any Requirements?
Optifine for 1.12 or newer
Version 4.0 and newer require 1.16 until OptiFine finally backports new features
alternatively Iris 1.5.0 or newer

A nVidia or AMD graphics card supporting OpenGL 4.0
Windows or Linux
DUE TO REPEATED ISSUE-REPORTS: Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported!

Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Kappa-Banner.jpg]
What is the Kappa Shader?

A shaderpack that aims towards a realistic, but also authentic look. So it is not plainly using physically accurate vales and equations like many other packs do. Instead, while still using many accurate calculations, it is tweaked to reproduce what you could observe in nature, which usually goes beyond just having equations to describe most phenomenons.

Where can I download it?

Either here or via my website (link below).

What features does it offer?
  • Dynamic soft shadows

  • Screen-space path-tracing (SSPT)

  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing and Upscaling (TAAU)

  • Procedural realistic skybox with multiple cloud layers

  • Screen-space reflections and optional offscreen environment reflections (when enabling the reflection capture)

  • Volumetric fog

  • Random per-day and daytime driven weather parameters controlling clouds and fog

  • labPBR resourcepack support

  • Various optional lens effects such as depth of field, lens flares and vignette
and many, many more.

Any Requirements?
  • Optifine for 1.16 or newer

  • alternatively Iris 1.5.0 or newer

  • GTX 1050/RX 560 or similar/better (has to support OpenGL 4.0, something faster than those is recommended though)

  • Windows/Linux

  • DUE TO REPEATED ISSUE-REPORTS: Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported!

Forum: Shaders
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: fPuGE6J.png]

Hi Everyone!
I really enjoy the lucky block mod, and I've created some customized drops for 1.8 (and since new drops are always awesome, I decided to share it). =)
There are about 200 or so new drops and about 50 modified default drops... lots of new things. =)
I also added some worldgen (also through Loot++) so you may find some spiral lucky blocks randomly in your world.... I tried to make them spawn at  about the same rate as the regular lucky blocks by default.

There are normal spiral blocks, as well as "lucky" and "unlucky" structures.

[Image: T0eA7zD.png]
[Image: gK2FmSI.png]

And here's the crafting recipe:

[Image: yH6utRg.png]

How to download and install:

  1. First download and install forge and lucky blocks for 1.8, with lucky blocks version 7.0.1 or higher.

  2. Download the latest Loot++ for 1.8 (get it here) and drop it into the mods folder as well.

  3. Download this add-on.

  4. Go to your game folder (where you installed lucky blocks and such), and drag the zip file you downloaded into the addons/lucky_block folder.

  5. Load up the game, and that should be all. Time to get lucky! (Or unlucky!).

Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Da4qDDz.png]
Hi everyone!
Tmtravlr here! I had a lot of crazy lucky block ideas but felt that the spiral lucky block was getting too big, so I decided to make them into a new addon! I give you the Astral Lucky Blocks. There are nearly 300 new drops (actually more than the spiral lucky blocks... =P), including epic new items, and even minigames!

Of course, there are the sword, bow, and potion that is now supported in lucky blocks... let's just say they are quite epic.

[Image: hIRDKCr.png]

There are a few new sets of armour as well.

[Image: h11JXar.png]

This addon also makes use of the potion effects I made in Potion Core, as you can see...

[Image: 2Mw3sFN.png]

Find a friendly fairy, who will heal you when near death!

[Image: 9M0YeLe.png]

There are a lot more, but I'll let you discover them on your own!

 Download Instructions:

This addon supports minecraft 1.8 and also 1.8.9, and requires the following mods:
  • Lucky Blocks version 7.0.1 or higher (or 7.0.2 for 1.8.9),

  • Loot++ version 1.6 or higher,

  • and Potion Core version 1.0.1 or higher.
Run lucky blocks first, so it creates a folder called addons/lucky_block in your game folder, then drop this addon in there and you should be good to go!

Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: logo.png]

[Image: nodes.png]
Suit List

 Marvel Comics

     -Cloak Of Levitation

          Multiverse Of Madness

     -Quantum Realm Suit
DC Comics
     -Booster Gold

     -Doctor Manhattan

     -Spawn (Image Comics)

     -Pepsi Man


  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Fisk's Superheroes Mod installed.

  2. In game, open the ESC menu, click Options > HeroPacks >  Open heropack folder.

  3. Drag the Stellar Heroes Heropack into the folder and return to the game.


Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: logo.png?raw=true]

Nameless Heroes - By Candy, Proconman & Rocking 

FiskHeroes Support for 2.2.0+
  • Batman Beyond 

  • Bizarro

  • Brightburn

  • Doc Octopus (PS4)

  • Iron Spider

  • Quasar 

  • Robin (GCU)

  • Anti Ock Suit (PS4)

  • Damaged Anti Ock Alt

  • Big Time (Stealth Suit)

  • Razer Alt

  • Venom (90 Animated Series)
    InstallationMake sure to put this in the fiskheroes folder or it will not work! We will not respond to comments telling us it does not work, we've tested it. We know it does.

Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: skarredheroes.png?raw=true]

Skarred Heroes is a Heropack for The Fisk's Superheroes Mod for 1.7.10. adding in suits like Superman, Spider-Gwen, Batman, Blue Beetle, and more...

[Image: suits.png?raw=true]
Suit List

Marvel Comics
     -Doctor Strange
          Strange Supreme
          Strange Supreme Eye of Agamotto
     -Gwenpool (Comics)
          Penguin Backpack
          Shark Backpack
     -Gwenpool (Comics) Dark
     -Spider-Gwen (Spider-Verse)
          Across the Spider-Verse
     -Spider-Man (PS4)[i]        [/i]
     -Wolverine (Comics)
     -Wolverine (Comics) Laura Kinney

DC Comics
     -Batman (Arkham Knight)
     -Batman (Comics)
[b]-[/b]Miss Martian (Comics)
     -Batman (Comics) Thomas Wayne
     -Batwoman (Comics)
[b]     -[/b]Supergirl (DCEU)
[b]     -[/b]Harley Quinn (Comics)
          Picky Sicky
          Classic Unmasked
     -Superman (Comics)
          Red Son
     -Blue Beetle (DCEU)


  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Fisk's Superheroes Mod installed.

  2. In game, open the ESC menu, click Options > HeroPacks >  Open heropack folder.

  3. Drag the Skarred Heroes Heropack into the folder and return to the game.
Forum: Customization
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Posted by: Yunus
[b]simple[/b] Heropack for the Fisk's Superheroes Mod which adds a good couple of suits,
like Spider-Man (Miles, PS5), Soldier Boy, Batman (Arkham Knight), which you can fabricate and play with.

Current Suits:

[Image: uhp_suit_nodes.png]


- Artemis (Young Justice)
- Batman (Arkham Knight)
- Batman (Telltale)
- Batman (Reeves)
- Black Canary (Earth-2)
- Black Lightning (Old Days)
- Catwoman (Telltale)
- Emiko Adachi
- Robin (Arkham Knight)
- Spoiler (Comics)
- The Signal (Comics)
- Tigress (Young Justice)


- Black Bolt (Comics)
- Black Cat (PS4)
- Captain America (John Walker)
- Captain Carter (What If)
- Electro
- Ghost
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
- Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)

- Pietro Maximoff
- Red Guardian
- Spider-Man (Miles, PS5)
- Spider-Man (Miles, Spiderverse)
- Super Soldier Serum (Erskine's Formula)
- Taskmaster
- Tony Stark's E.D.I.T.H.
- Wanda Maximoff
- White Wolf

The Boys:

- Soldier Boy

The Umbrella Academy:

- Five

How to install:

  1. Download the LATEST Fisk's Superheroes Mod

  2. Download Unconventional Heropack

  3. Open Minecraft and go into your world

  4. Click ESC on your keyboard, click Options > click HeroPacks > click Open heropack folder

  5. Drag Unconventional Heropack to the folder (do not unzip the file)

  6. Done!

Forum: Customization
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