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Posted by: Yunus
This resource pack is for the popular mod "Ice and Fire: Dragons In a whole new light!" 

It aims to give the textures of the mod an updated look while sticking to the vanilla feel of both Minecraft and the mod itself.
[Image: firedragonflying.png]

You are not allowed to repost nor edit these textures. 

Thank you to Dohaerys for gifting me the Troll Tusk, Dragon Blood and Dragon Horn sprites. 

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Posted by: Yunus
Prominent UI

Custom UI for the Prominence modpacks!

[Image: image.png?width=1293&height=662][Image: image.png?width=1296&height=662][Image: image.png?width=1291&height=662][Image: image.png?width=1288&height=662]

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Posted by: Yunus
This will further improve your vanilla experience by having smaller weps and tools giving more screen area and is very useful for PVP. All the textures are from the vanilla game but in a smaller size.

This pack also includes a PVP Crosshair.

[Image: untitled-7.jpg]
[Image: 2022-04-26_22.jpg]

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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: VbHkPwj.png]

[b]Fancy [/b]is an overhaul of all GUI, including the hotbar, heart containers, menus, crafting containers, and more.
Future updates will include mod retextures, and further improve vanilla textures.
This pack does NOT require Optifine.

[Image: cq30ENm.png]
[Image: PQ7KSma.png]
Each crafting container has been adjusted to fit the look of their respective block, with some additional minor details suitable to their purpose.
Mod retexture/compatibility suggestions can be made in the Discord.

[Image: us8s9N6.png]
[Image: aSm82yb.png]
[Image: Vm6G03D.png]
I've updated health/armor/food containers, xp bars, and network UI to look modernized, and be more easily understandable at a glance.

[Image: 7831Z7y.png]
[Image: ASs2H8x.png]

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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: Ff607Fk.png]

[b]Before reporting any issue, make sure you have Optifine installed.[/b]
[b]You should also make sure your configs are set properly.[/b]
ESC/Option/Video Setting/Quality/Connected Textures: Fancy
ESC/Option/Video Setting/Quality/Custom Item: ON

Trying to find the enchanted book I wanted in a chest full of it have always been a pain to me. This pack aim to resolve that issue by giving every enchanted book a different texture base on their type and their level while keeping an art style that still fit into the base game. 

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Posted by: Yunus
Adds animated and emissive textures for Defiled Lands

Adds emissive to Hephastite, Blazing Blastem Fruit, all Ravaging tools, Ingot, Essence and pellets. Adds emissive to the charging of the Concussion Smasher.
Animates the Book Wyrms Analyzer and both Tears.
Tears also have thicker ends to the staffs.
Remade, animated and emissive healing pad.
Emissive blastem fruit, active conjuring stone, Hephastite block and ore block.

Emissive textures can be seen in darkness as long as you have a mod that lets you see emissive textures.

[Image: DqppSLC.png]

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Posted by: Yunus
Resource pack to change the textures of various Forgotten Items' items
Retextures all Talisman, Pickaxes, Bound Tools, Golem Armor icons, Crafting Rune
Animates All pickaxes. Animated Shock, Water and Wing gem. Bound tools.
Emissive all Gems, Talisman, Bound Tools
Emissive items can be seen in dark as long as you have a mod that enables emissive, such as Optifine

[Image: 3ONTedf.png][Image: OIP5Aiq.png]

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Posted by: Yunus
A while back I noticed that IchPhilipp had completely disappeared. So I found one of their old versions of "Vanilla Better End Cities", on my computer, and updated it use blocks from the nether update. I am posting it here so as to reach more people. 
with this datapack installed, the end cities that generate will be much more intricate in design and will include more loot as each loot room has more chests.
This datapack is a perfect addition to any modpack of version 1.16.5 or higher
An example of the city can be seen below:

[Image: 15639020_l.webp]

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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: lycnaites-mobs-32x.png]

This pack adds 32X textures for the Blocks and Items in Lycanites Mobs, it is designed to go with any 32X pack but is tested with Faithful 32X.

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Posted by: Yunus
Adds animated and emissive textures for the mod Scape and Run Parasites

This applies to the Sentient Greatbow, Sentient Scythe, Sentient Axe
The emissive textures will only work if you have Optifine installed, but animations will work regardless.

[Image: IW331A3.png]
[Image: 8r0o5pe.png]

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