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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: wqSocVR.png]
[b]Farmer's Delight[/b] is a mod that gently expands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft.
Using a simple cooking system and a few familiar ingredients, you'll be able to prepare a wide variety of [b]hearty meals:[/b] from sandwiches to salads and stews, from beautiful desserts to mouth-watering feasts, no ingredient will be left behind in your kitchen!
It also introduces a rich set of utilities: a way to [b]improve the very soil[/b] your crops grow in, a brand new kind of tool to [b]scavenge resources[/b] with, cute [b]decorations[/b] for your builds, and many blocks and items to help you on your adventure!
It's time to farm a little bit of everything!
[b]📖 Getting Started[/b]
[b]Follow the advancements![/b] Much of its progression is described through them. By default, press the [b](L)[/b] key to open the Advancements screen.
If you'd rather get a more straight-forward guide, we wrote a [b]Getting Started[/b] to help you learn the basics!

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
Bleeding edge builds are the ones tagged as alpha (basically whenever I commit something to the repo).
Fabric version available as of MC 1.19 and up.
  • Mob Drops

[Image: 6661bf0438.gif]

Dungeon Loot
[Image: 1ef9f333c4.gif]

Ore Gen
[Image: 3fe211158a.png]

Plant Drops

[Image: 9797edf52f.gif]

  • DIY ore graphs
By adding world-gen.json to the JER config folder and toggling the DIY setting ingame you can make your own ore distributions.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: vm0.png]
AutoRegLib is a mod that adds common code for other mods made by Vazkii to use. It creates a level of abstraction for registering content, which allows creating new features for mods to be done faster.
There is no need to download AutoRegLib unless some other mod requires it, as it does not contain any content on its own.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: KyeiwRx.png]

"My analysis of historical data suggests an 97.34% probability that you are aware of my birth on your planet, and my rebirth into beauty on Citadel Station." -System Shock 2
Citadel is a Library mod required for advanced animations and entity properties in 1.14 and beyond. Citadel, being a Library, does not add many features by itself, but rather provides a frame work for other mods when it comes to animating entities, loading .tbl Tabula and .obj Waveront models, and for keeping track of entity properties. Citadel's predecessor, LLibrary, will no longer be updated from 1.12.2, and from now on all of my mods will use Citadel. Citadel's code base is largely derived from LLibrary, and the code is used with permission from Gegy1000, the maintainer of LLibrary and its author in recent versions.
In versions 1.6.3 and above, there is also a config option for changing the cap on how many mobs spawn on chunk generation. This is useful when used with the many mob mods that require Citadel, as without changing this they can make it quite difficult to find vanilla mobs.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: ZpeKQZQ.png]

📖 About 📖
Supplementaries is a highly configurable Forge mod focused on adding valuable content which fills the gaps vanilla has. Its features are tailored to be functional, aesthetically viable, and complementary to preexisting content and provide many new ways to enhance your Vanilla+ experience.
  • The mod requires Moonlight Library

  • While supported, Fabric version might be missing some minor features as the mod is mainly for Forge

  • You are free to include this mod in your modpacks

     Translated in the following languagesBig Grineutsch | Polski | Français | Русский | Italiano | English | Čeština | 한국어 | Українська | Português | Српски | Español | Қазақ | Bahasa Melayu | Pirate Speech | 简体中文 (中国) | 繁體中文 (香港) | 繁體中文 (台灣) | Türkçe

[Image: ybsafhl.png][Image: xhcyf1k.png][Image: 2021-02-14-18-22-45.png][Image: 2021-12-06_18.png]
Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: waystones.png]

This mod adds waystone blocks that the player can return to once they've been activated, either through a Warp Scroll, a rechargeable Warp Stone, or by using an existing waystone to hop from one to the other.

It can be used in Survival Mode, for Adventure Maps or on Multiplayer Servers as an alternative to /warp and /home commands. Waystones can be made globally available for all players and a configurable inventory button can be set up to allow warping without any additional items.

  • Craftable Waystones for Survival Mode

  • Teleporting between Waystones or using a Warp Scroll or rechargeable Warp Stone

  • Sharing of activated Waystones through Bound Scrolls

  • Optional Inventory Button for warping without any items

  • Global Waystones for Multiplayer Servers and Adventure Maps

  • Generation of Random Waystones in the World
[Image: 2016-06-07_06.png]

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: WeS8L88.png]

  • Right-clicking with Nature's Compass in hand will open the biome selection GUI, from which you can search for a biome or view information about it

  • Shift-right-clicking will reset the compass's state

  • When the compass is not pointing at a biome, it will point at the world spawn

  • Compatible with all biomes, vanilla and modded

  • Things like blacklisted biomes and maximum search distance can be adjusted in the config file


[Image: rhz4gLR.jpg]
Information about a found biome is displayed on the HUD
[Image: GTSAfqv.png]
The biome selection GUI
[Image: vjsdZZ4.png]
The biome information GUI

[Image: 175k4oE.png]


Yes, you can use this mod in your modpack.


Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
Enchantment Descriptions
Enchantment Descriptions is a light weight client-side mod that adds descriptions of enchantments to the tool tip of enchanted books. This mod supports all vanilla enchantments in over 13 languages! Most modded enchantments are also supported.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
Curios is a flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers. The purpose is to provide functionality for developers to add extra accessory/equipment slots in a convenient and compatible manner, as well as to give users the ability to configure these slots to their preferences. By default, Curios does not add any content except for an inventory GUI. There are no slots and only two items, the latter only being available through the Creative menu and primarily serving as examples for developers to use when coding their own integration.
  • Expandable equipment slots through a central library.[b] [/b]New equipment slots can be made and managed easily through an identifier registry. Identical identifiers will be merged together to avoid functional redundancies and provide maximum compatibility to potential items, while unique identifiers can still be used to mark special types when appropriate.

  • Slots are only made on-demand.[b] [/b]There are no slots included by default, all slots are created only as needed. This reduces instances where one or more superfluous slots are present without any suitable items to go into the slot.

  • Slots are completely customizable and manipulable.[b] [/b]Slots can have custom backgrounds, different sizes, and can even be disabled or hidden by default. But how would a player even access disabled slots? Through the API, developers can access functions to enable/disable a player's slots or add/remove a certain number of slots of a given type.

  • Flexible item->curio relations using the vanilla tag system. Potential curios are selected through the vanilla tag system, which means that categorizing items into curio types is as easy as creating a .json file in the data/curios/tags folder. Items can be categorized into as many curio types as you want as long as they're tagged in the appropriate files, and these settings can even be overridden entirely. For more information, see the vanilla tag system.

  • Complete integration with other inventory mechanics.[b] [/b]Mending and Curses will work with all applicable items equipped in the curio slots. There are also various minor features for developers that make it simpler to integrate their current items or mechanics into the curio system.

  • Accessible from a single GUI.[b] [/b]Curios comes with its own GUI accessible from the inventory that shows all of the available slots to a player. This allows players to see all of the extended equipment slots in a central location without needing to access different inventory GUIs. However, developers can still provide their own GUIs for their mod-specific slots if they want. The default keybinding for the GUI is 'g'.

[Image: curiogui.png]


Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus

This will further improve your vanilla experience by giving you a RPG feeling which can also be used in PVP. 
This pack features 32x images all crafted from scratch to give you an immersive feeling inside the game.
This pack will feature:-
- Custom Swords with blue hilts
- Custom Shovel
- Custom Pickaxe
- Custom Axe
- Custom Hoe
- Custom Hearts
- Custom Hunger bar
- Custom XP bar
- Custom Crosshair
- White Highlight line for blocks
 Improve your RPG gameplay and use this pack today.

Looking for more PVP packs? check out my Tiny PVP Swords and Tools pack
[Image: rpg-pvp-swords-and-tools.png]

[Image: 2022-10-03_19.png][Image: image.png]

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