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Posted by: Yunus
Minecraft Font addon created to bring "thick" font into Minecraft and replace default  font (thin) that used in Minecraft for Cyrillic and some other languages.
If you need same font for Minecraft PC (Java) you can download it here.
How to use
  1. Install resource pack

  2. Open Minecraft Pocket Edition / Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

  3. Go to “Settings” > “Global Resources” > Select the resource pack "Minecraft Font"

  4. Restart Minecraft 

  5. Enjoy Smile 
Example of font (Russian)

[Image: font_menu_screenshot.png]
[Image: font_chat_screenshot.png]

Forum: Addons
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Posted by: Yunus
Searchables is a library mod that adds helper methods that allow for searching and filtering elements based on components (shapeConfusedquare color:red), as well as offering built in auto-complete functionality.
The auto-complete looks like this:

[Image: searchables_autocomplete.gif]

This mod does nothing on it's own, but is used by other mods to improve the search experience.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
This mod can be used by Modpack developers to distribute default options and keybindings without overriding user changes on every modpack update.

Instead of shipping the options.txt directly, you will ship a "defaultoptions" folder in your modpack which contains the defaults previously saved through the /defaultoptions command.

  • On the first run, users will start out with the options you configured - and future changes won't be overridden on updated

  • Keybinds configured by the modpack will be set as new defaults, meaning changes made by users will persist even on updates

  • The server list will be pre-populated with the server list provided by the modpack (and user changes will persist on updates, still)
  1. 1. Configure the options, keybinds and server list as you would like them to be shipped in the modpack

  2. 2. Join any world and run "/defaultoptions saveAll" to save your current options in the defaultoptions folder (located in the config folder where it should remain)

  3. 3. Do not include the options.txt and servers.dat from the root directory in your modpack

  4. 4. Fresh installations (meaning no existing options.txt) will now start out with your default options
If you are using FoamFix Anarchy Version, disable B:initOptions in the FoamFix config or else Default Options will not work. See this GitHub issue for more info.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
Industrial Foregoing is a mod that allows you to automate most of minecraft's functions. It has machines for everything!
  • Mob and animal farming

  • Plant farming

  • A suite of Infinity tools

  • Big item/fluid storage and item/fluid transporters

  • Power generation

  • Enchantments sorting and creation

  • Much more...

[Image: xtfdUxC.png]
To start with Industrial Foregoing you need to collect latex using a Tree Fluid Extractor and placing it in front of a log, then use a Latex Processing Unit with some water and power to make tiny piles of rubber. Read the manual for more info.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: main.png]
This mod contains a few features, first of all - Inventory HUD, it shows your inventory while you are playing, you can switch between mods (mini/normal and horizontal/vertical), also you can change background transparency and toggle animation on/off 

[Image: inventory.png]

Next feature is PotionHUD, it shows your potion effects with timer or duration bar if you are using mini mode, you can change gap between effects and background transparency in config, and you can enable horizontal mode as well

[Image: potions.png]

And last but not least feature is ArmorHUD, it shows durability of your armor and equipment, also shows how many free slots do you have in your inventory and how many arrows do you have. This HUD is fully customizable, you can change scale, type of damage indicator or turn on/off each part of your equipment

[Image: armor.png]

You can change a lot of options in config ("Mod" button in Main Menu, then "Config"), also you can change the position for each HUD by simply dragging and dropping them. To open ingame config screen you can use keybind ("O" by default)

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: logo-subtitle.png]

Refined Storage is a mass storage mod for Minecraft that offers the player a network-based storage system, allowing them to store items and fluids on a massively expandable device network.

Items and fluids can be stored in one of the many storage capabilities that the mod offers. Any storage devices connected to the same network are accessible to the player through one simple Grid interface, allowing the player to access the inventories of many devices through a single unified GUI.
This mod not only adds storage solutions, but also devices that can be used to manipulate items and blocks in the world and from within the system, such as importers, exporters, constructors, destructors, and more! There are also devices in this mod that allow the player to setup auto-crafting, allowing the crafting of complex recipes in a few simple clicks.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
This is a mod aimed at improving performance of all crafting-related functions.  It fixes the bug introduced in Minecraft 1.12 where shift-click crafting a stack of items could cause momentary freezes.  However, it does slightly more than just fixing that issue.
FastWorkbench causes all crafting operations to cache the last recipe used.  On top of this, it reduces calls to that cached recipe, by only detecting changes when the stored item in the crafting matrix actually changes (vanilla retries every time anything changes, such as stack size).  This results in the number of matching operations being reduced to one, instead of anywhere between one and nearly 600.
Recipe Book
Back in 1.12, FastWorkbench fully removed the recipe book, which meant recipes were no longer forcibly synced on login so that the client could see them in the book.  This resulted in a huge boost in login times. In 1.13 and higher, the recipes are synced anyway as part of the new recipe system. In these versions, FastWorkbench visually removes the recipe book button by default, but it can be configured back on.
Compatibility and Mod Support
This mod is applied via Mixin to the classes PlayerContainer (for the 2x2 grid) and WorkbenchContainer (for the 3x3 grid). Any mods utilizing WorkbenchContainer will receive the full benefits of FastWorkbench.
 Any mods not utilizing WorkbenchContainer should probably be performing these optimizations on their own already - they are fairly trivial to add.

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: craftingtweaks.png]
This mod adds buttons to many supported Crafting Tables (including modded ones) allowing you to quickly rotate, balance or clear the crafting grid.

Additionally, holding shift on the balance button you can also quickly spread a single stack over the entire grid, right-clicking the result slot will craft en entire stack, and there's a keybind for compressing stacks of items to its 3x3 or 2x2 recipe through a key press.

  • Rotate the outer circle of the crafting grid

  • Balance the materials in the crafting grid to even stack sizes

  • Clear the crafting grid into your inventory

  • Transfer items into the grid by holding the W key while clicking them (Shift+W transfers all of type)

  • Instantly compress or decompress blocks into their block/ingot forms through a keybind

  • Right-click the result slot to craft a full stack

  • Supports many modded Crafting Tables

  • Bi-optional. Only those who want to use it need to install it, and if the server doesn't have it installed, it will still work for people who do have it installed.

[Image: ctspread.gif][Image: ctclear.gif]
[Image: ctrotate.gif][Image: ctbalance.gif]

Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
[Image: cookingforblockheads.png]
This mod adds a cooking book along with a functional kitchen to Minecraft. Use the book or the Cooking Table to find out what you can cook with what ingredients you currently have available, and start cooking immediately through a single click.

The kitchen is modular and can be upgraded through additional blocks, allowing for expanded storage, infinite water for crafting provided by the sink, or efficient and delicious cooking with the oven. Some people even went as far as capturing a cow in a jar to provide them with infinite milk!


  • Recipe book to show all food items you can craft or smelt with the things you have in your inventory

  • Upgraded recipe book that can also craft the food items with the things from your inventory

  • Multiblock Kitchens consisting of several components that each unlock new abilities

  • #NoFilter book to simply show all food item recipes (no matter what ingredients you have available)

  • Sorting options to see the most nutritious foods you can make

  • Supports Pam's Harvestcraft as well as many other food mods
Forum: Mods
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Posted by: Yunus
Iron Chests mod has chests for the various metals in vanilla minecraft with varying sizes!

[Image: Kz3AG9B.png]

Forum: Mods
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